Taking a group photo after speaking as a guest lecturer at The Art Institute
Last night I spoke to a group of students at the Art Institute. I don’t think they understand how much preparing a presentation has helped me reflect upon my own personal growth and career. I don’t necessarily feel accomplished because as creatives we are continuously learning and growing. But 24 hours have gone by and I talked about the creative journey of life and how all of my road blocks have eventually lead me to turn to better things. I realize I have more to say. (Or maybe working home alone has gotten to me & I need to find an outlet to talk) 🤣
One thing that I do love to do consistently is to help people. The things that I thought were “no brainers” are genuinely new concepts for students that have not worked in the field before or had a job period. If you’re reading this, reach out to me with any questions regarding graphic design and or freelancing!
I plan to write some tips & tricks about graphic design and freelancing on my instagram about .. job hunting , work / life balance ... so stay tuned if you’re a new creative looking to find your way in the world! 🌎